Furry gay sex story

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Fucking hell he's good at this! Just then he pulled his tongue out of me and I gasped when I felt a big and warm object enter me.his dick 'ack! You're so huge!' I grab a pillow and bites down on it as he starts to thrust.

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He then pushes his tongue into my ass and I moan softly and Murray. He then decides to Lick my anus clean and nibble my ass cheeks and that earns him moans from me. He slithers his tongue through my whole mouth which makes me moan 'Someone's eager' he says and motions to my waist 'Who won't have a hard on boner if some muscular douche started making out with them?' he fakes being offended 'I know a little Dutch.and at least I'll be a sexy shower' he starts carrying me to his bed and throws me onto it 'get naked please Tyrone' I do so and teases him with my skinny but white furred ass 'c'mon big boy.come and get your boy toy' I say mockingly when I hear a snicker which is that of Dom.

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Fucking hell he's hot!.and that just gotta see.Yup he's aroused 'looks like someone is excited' I slide my paw into his pants and pushes my finger into his sheath which earns me a loud moan and then a very passionate kiss 'mmmm!' I sucks my lip to beg for entrance but I deny to tease him but he then smacks my ass and I don't react and he looks surprised then sucks my lip again and I allow him to enter.

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